Why Should People Participate?

The Puerto Rico Seismic Network urges all state, federal, and private agencies, educational institutions, health facilities, media, communities, families, and individuals in the region of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands to participate in the CARIBE WAVE 2025 Exercise.  By participating in this exercise the public will be able to test their emergency communications systems, their emergency response plans, their evacuation plans, and perform other activities that prepare us for a possible tsunami in our region.  Each agency or individual should evaluate ways to participate based on the content of this web page and the official CARIBE WAVE 2025 Exercise Participant Handbook.  In addition, they must determine the type of participation according to the resources available to them (see the exercise webpage for more ideas on how to specifically participate, for example, emergency agencies, schools and TsunamiReady municipalities.


In general, you can participate in the following ways:

  1. Register for the Exercise at http://caribewave.uprm.edu o https://www.tsunamizone.org/register/
  2. Be related to the official messages issued by the PRSN and the PTWC. Visit the official page of the PRSN http://caribewave.uprm.edu.
  3. Perform, during the exercise (March 20) at least one of the communication tests (through the available methods) and document the times of these communications:
    • Monitor the activation of the EAS (by radio and TV) (if available)
    • Monitor the NOAA Radio activation (if available)
    • Monitor the activation of coastal sirens (for those municipalities that have them available)
    • Monitor the messages issued by the PRSN through its official website http://redsismica.uprm.edu
    • Follow PRSN Social Media publications (Facebook and Twitter)
  4. Conduct at least one of the 5 types of exercise in your community, region, or municipality (document and report it to the PRSN, PREMB-PR, VITEMA-USVI, or DDM-BVI)
    • Orientation
    • Drill
    • Tabletop exercise
    • Functional Exercise
    • Full-Scale Exercise
  5. By conducting these drills, we recommend reviewing and testing their emergency response plans and response times.
  6. The public can also conduct or participate in discussions, orientations, and talks about tsunamis. You can even watch a movie on the topic and discuss it with your family.
  7. Develop or update your family emergency plan. This includes preparing or updating your emergency backpack.
  8. If you live in a coastal community, review your evacuation route and map. Walk the evacuation route with your family to the assembly point.
  9. Complete the Exercise Evaluations:
    • Complete the electronic evaluations of the PRSN before March 31, 2025 (using as a basis the information collected in its Communication Evaluation Forms of the Puerto Rico Seismic Network Exercise) through the official website of the exercise: http://caribewave.uprm.edu/index.php/en/virgin-islands/evaluations/
    • Complete the official evaluation form of the  IOC-UNESCO exercise, before April 4, 2025 (if applicable).

To download the Community Flyer – How to Participate? Click on the image.

Who Should Participate?

  • Tsunami Warning Focal Points of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands (TWFPs)
    • In Puerto Rico: PREMB (state level), PREMB Regions, OMME’s (local level), and NWS
    • In the Virgin Islands: VITEMA and DDM
  • Primary and Secondary Emergency Agencies
  • State, Federal, and International agencies
  • Public and Private Companies
  • Educational Institutions (public and private schools, universities, educational institutes, etc.)
  • Health Facilities and Hospitals
  • Media (TV, Radio, Written Press)
  • Congregations of all religious denominations
  • Communities (especially TsunamiReady Municipalities)
  • Families and Individuals

Tsunami Ready Municipalities

The TsunamiReady®️ program is one created by the NWS-NOAA to help communities be better prepared to save lives and decrease property damage from a tsunami event.  Therefore, coastal municipalities emergency managers are encouraged in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands to participate as follows:

  1. Test your communications systems and tsunami information reception methods (EMMO must receive tsunami messages from PTWC, PREMB, VITEMA, DDM, NWS, or PRSN). Please evaluate the following:
  • NOAA Radio
  • Radio Frequency PREMB
  • PRSN-SMS (only to emergency list)
  • PRSN-Email (only to emergency list)
  • PRSN-Internet Pages http://redsismica.uprm.edu
  • PRSN-Social networks (Facebook and Twitter)
  • AM / FM radio and TV

* For more details please refer to COMMUNICATION EVALUATION.

2. Practice tsunami evacuation drills in the most vulnerable communities in the coastal municipalities, to assess:

  • The access and walk the evacuation routes
  • The evacuation route signs and tsunami signs in your community
  • The estimated times of buildings evacuation
  • The arrival at the area outside the evacuation zone (green area on evacuation maps)

3. Check that your municipality’s tsunami evacuation plan is feasible and meets the needs during and after the emergency:

  • call tree effectiveness
  • effectiveness of different information dissemination systems to the community (mobile or fixed sirens, use of amateur radio, etc.)
  • availability and activation of primary response personnel
  • fulfillment of the different roles in emergency care and recovery

4. For Any other type of participation in the CARIBE WAVE 2025 exercise, please inform your local emergency management agency and the Puerto Rico Seismic Network (Tel. 787-833-8433).

To download the Schools-How to Participate? Click on the image.


Educating on the subject of earthquakes and tsunamis is everyone’s responsibility. However, children and young people spend most of their day in school, so it is vital that this topic is discussed on the school campus and that all schools actively participate in exercises such as CARIBE WAVE. In this way, the school ensures a better response during a real emergency, thus minimizing the loss of life of the student body under their responsibility. The exercises also serve to determine which faults have to be corrected in the school emergency plan. On the other hand, if students feel better prepared to face this type of emergency we can minimize the number of people that could suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder is a very common condition after an emergency, such as earthquakes and tsunamis.

We encourage schools and educational institutions at all levels to participate in the CARIBE WAVE 2025 Exercise:

  1. To test the evacuation and emergency response plans
  2. Perform one of the 5 types of exercises:
  • Orientation
  • Drill
  • Simulation or tabletop exercise
  • Functional exercise
  • Full-Scale exercise

3. Perform at least one of the communication exercises

  • Observe the activation of the NOAA Radio 
  • Await for the activation of the EAS (on radio and TV) – *This is still subject to the approval of the FCC
  • Await the activation of coastal sirens (for those municipalities that are available)
  • Relate to the official messages issued by the PRSN
  • Observe the messaging issued by the PRSN on its website: http://redsismica.uprm.edu/
  • Follow the messaging publication through the Social Networks of the PRSN (Facebook and Twitter).

4. Complete the evaluations of the CARIBE WAVE 2025 Exercise

Emergency Agencies

What are the emergency agencies in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands?

  • Puerto Rico: State Emergency Management and Disaster Administration Bureau (PREMB), PREMB Zones or regional offices, and Emergency Management Municipal Offices (EMMO)
  • US Virgin Islands: Virgin Islands Territorial Emergency Management Agency (VITEMA)
  • British Virgin Islands: Department of Disaster Management (DDM)

Emergency agencies in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands should participate in the CARIBE WAVE 2025 Exercise to test their emergency communications systems, emergency response plans, and evacuation plans, among other activities that prepare them for a possible tsunami response in our region. Not only these agencies must participate, but we also invite other emergency agencies in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands such as firefighters, police, paramedics (emergency medical technicians), the 911 System, the Health Department, and other federal agencies such as FEMA. Each agency or individual should evaluate ways to participate based on the official CARIBE WAVE 2025 Exercise Participant Handbook and the PRSN Official Information on this webpage. They must also determine the type of participation according to the resources available to them.

PREMB, PREMB zones, and EMMOs to participate must:

  1. Perform at least one of the communication tests and document the time of these communications, through the various channels available to them, such as:
    • Monitor the messaging broadcast by radiofrequency of PREMB by the PRSN
    • Monitor the information issued by Ring-Down and Fax (only for PREMB State Control in Puerto Rico) by the PRSN
    • Monitor the information issued by private line (for those emergency management offices according to protocol) by the PRSN
    • Monitor the messaging issued by RSS by the PRSN (for those emergency management offices that have this tool)
    • Monitor the messaging issued by email by the PRSN (only for official emails assigned to the emergency list of the PRSN)
    • Monitor text messaging issued by the PRSN (only for those numbers assigned to the emergency list of the PRSN)
    • Monitor activation of the NWS NOAA Radio (if available)
    • Monitor activation of the EMWIN for the Initial Dummy Message of the PTWC (for those offices that have this tool)
    • Continue with point 1 of the All Emergency Agencies section

VITEMA and DDM to participate must:

  1. Perform at least one of the communication tests and document the time of these communications, through the various channels available to them, such as:
    • Monitoring the messaging issued by private telephone lines or ring downs (for those offices that have this tool available)
    • Monitor messaging issued by the PRSN by email (only for official emails assigned to the PRSN emergency list)
    • Monitor text messaging issued by the PRSN (only for those numbers assigned to the emergency list of the PRSN)
    • Monitor the NOAA Weather Radio activation (if available)
    • Monitor the EMWIN activation for the initial dummy message (for those offices that have this tool available)
    • Continue with point 1 of the All Emergency Agencies section

All Emergency Agencies should:

  1. Register in the Exercise to be related to the official messages issued by PRSN and PTWC:
    • Monitor messaging issued by PRSN on our website: http://caribewave.uprm.edu
    • Monitor the official exercise messages (If you are a TWFP for Puerto Rico or the Virgin Islands)
  1. Revise and test the emergency plans and time of response if drills are coordinated.
    • Test your response times to emergencies (if you perform drills)
    • Test and activate fixed or mobile coast sirens (if available)
  1. Coordinate the realization of one of the 5 types of exercise in your area, region, or municipality (document and report it to the PRSN, PREMB-PR, VITEMA-USVI, or DDM-BVI):.
    • Orientation
    • Drill
    • Simulated or tabletop exercise
    • Functional Exercise
    • Full-Scale Exercise
  1. Complete Exercise Assessments to improve response times in our local area.
    • Complete the electronic evaluation of the Puerto Rico Seismic Network communications exercise, before March 31, 2025 (using as a basis the information collected in their Communications Evaluation Sheets), through the link provided by email by the Puerto Rico Seismic Network.
    • Complete the official evaluation form of the exercise, before April 4, 2025 (if applicable)

Download the Standard Operating Procedures by clicking on the image.

Download the Information for the Classroom Emergency Plan document by clicking the image.

Download the Information for the Family Emergency Plan document by clicking the image.